Mozilla on Wednesday (Manila time) released what it billed as a faster and more stable version of its Firefox Web browser, version 6.One of the key changes in Firefox 6 was in the address bar, which now highlights the domain of the website a user is visiting, to thwart spoofing.
"The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you're visiting," it said in its release notes.
Mozilla also said it streamlined the look of the site identity block, and added support for the latest draft version of Web Sockets with a prefixed API.
Support has also been added for Event Source and server-sent events, and for window.match Media.
It likewise added Scratchpad, an interactive JavaScript prototyping environment; and anew Web Developer menu item and moved development-related items into it.
Mozilla said the new Firefox boasts of "reduced browser start up time" when using Panorama, adding it has fixed several stability and security issues.